Chetan Ramamurthy is a product of Bengaluru, India. He is a software professional. In
his own words, "My interest in photography started in 2004 when I bought my first camera,
a point and shoot camera. I started capturing anything and everything I saw. The more I
captured, the more I was dissatisfied:-) I felt something was missing and that’s when
google came to my help. I started studying techniques and composition. I slowly started
following these “rules”. I was somehow more inclined to take Nature photos.
As a kid I was very attracted to nature and animals. I watched those wren warblers come to
pomegranate trees in my backyard. I watched those barbets drill a hole in trees outside my
compound. I also went ahead joined nature clubs and started involving in Nature and
Wildlife a little more."
He visited Gir National Park and Little Rann of Kutch in January, 2012.
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